
Unit IV National health programs

  Unit IV National health programs National health   intervention programme for   mother   and child National family welfare programme National tobacco control programme National Malaria Prevention Program National programme for the health care for the elderly Social health programme; role of WHO in Indian national program Follow the given link  for the presentation Unit IV Sr. No National health programs: Weblinks: 1 National health intervention programme for mother and child National Health Mission (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) sublinkid=822&lid=218#:~:text=Pradhan%20Ma ntri%20Surakshit%20Matritva%20Abhiyan,on% 209th%20of%20every%20month . 2 National family welfare programme National Health Mission (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare) - Family Planning

Unit III National health programs

  Unit III National health programs National health programs, its objectives, functioning and outcome of the following:   HIV AND AIDS control programme,   TB,   Integrated disease surveillance program (IDSP),   National leprosy control programme,   National mental health program,   National programme for prevention and control of deafness,      Universal immunization programme, National programme for control of blindness,   Pulse polio programme Follow the given link  for the presentation Unit III Sr. No National health programs, its objectives, functioning and outcome of the following: Weblinks 1 HIV AND AIDS control programme National     Aids      Control     Organization     Website: 2 Tuberculosis (TB) Ministry Of Health & Family Welfare, Directorate General         Of         Health         Services

Quiz 3

                                                                                    Quiz 3 “Quiz-3” based on Unit 3, 4 and 5 scheduled on Wednesday, 13-03-2024 at 10.30AM-11.00AM. Question paper for online examination will be in the form of "MCQ". After 30 mins, the link will be automatically closed. So, students are requested to answer the questions promptly within the stipulated time period. To submit the quiz, fill all the required fields accurately. Follow this Link for Quiz 3

Tutorial 5-9

  Tutorial -5   Explain how Socio-Cultural Factors affect health and disease Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial - 6 Discuss transmission of Dengue. Discuss preventive measures to be taken for Dengue. Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial – 7   Discuss preventive measures and control to be taken of Acute Respiratory Infections Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial – 8   Discuss causative agents of Diabetes Mellitus. Discuss preventive measures to be taken for Diabetes Mellitus. Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial – 9 What is Drug abuse? Discuss the factors contributing drug abuse with Prevention. Click here for Answerkey, 

UNIT - V National health programs

  UNIT - V National health programs National health programs, its objectives, functioning and outcome of the following:  Community services in rural, urban and school health: ·        Functions of PHC, ·        Improvement in rural sanitation, ·        National urban health mission, ·        Health promotion and education in school Follow the given link  for the presentation

UNIT II 2.1 Preventive medicine

    2.1 Preventive medicine General principles of prevention and control of diseases such as cholera, SARS, Ebola virus, influenza, acute respiratory infections, malaria, chicken guinea, dengue, lymphatic filariasis, pneumonia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, cancer, drug addiction-drug substance abuse Syllabus Coverage: Signs, Symptoms, Mode of Transmission, Diagnosis, Management, Prevention and Control (Note: No questions on pathophysiology to be covered in exam) Cancer to be covered in generalized view (general principles for risk/ prevention/ management of cancer) Drug abuse, factors contributing drug abuse, Types of Programmes, Prevention Follow the given  Link1  for 2.1 Preventive medicines includes cholera, SARS, Ebola virus, influenza, acute respiratory infections, malaria and chicken guinea Follow the given  Link2  for 2.1 Preventive medicines includes dengue, lymphatic filariasis, pneumonia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus and cancer Follow the given  Link3  for 2.1 Preventi

Tutorial 1-4

 Tutorial 1 Define the following 1. Health 2. Physical Health 3.  Positive mental health 4.  Social health 5.  Society 6.  Prevention 7.  Eradication 8.  Monitoring 9.  Surveillance 10.  Control 11.  Intervention Click here for Answerkey,                                                                                                                            Tutorial 2 Write a note on sources and deficiency of m icronutrient.  (Syllabus coverage includes Minerals- Calcium, Iron: Vitamins-A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C and Fat Soluble Vitamins ) Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial 3 Define Public health. Add a note on evaluation of public health. Click here for Answerkey,  Tutorial 4 Define Poverty. Explain the types of poverty. Add a note on its effect on health Click here for Answerkey,